Thursday 17 March 2011

Just an update


It's been a while - just a quick post to keep everyone updated on how things are going with Plug In. It's all been a bit Fluxy here over the past couple of month's and thats going to continue, but in the coming months we'll have lots more bands featured here! 

We have 2 photoshoots scheduled in with 2 really cool bands - so check out Social Flatline & Beyond the Brink (Previously Shadows Burn)

Also we have another video shoot planned with The Van Grahams - these guys are bags of fun & we're really looking forward to shooting with them & another video shoot which may be on the cards is for an awesome band who performed exellently in last years Mid Somerset Battle of the Bands - but we're keeping hush on who that is at the moment.

On a final note - Plug In had one of its photo's printed from the recent All About Flux shoot on the front page of today's Central Somerset Gazette - shown below! Wooo!

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